

Knapp för att fälla ut menyn Knapp för att fälla ut sök
In Swedish

Hours of operation and how to contact us

We try our best to be available to you as much as possible so that we can provide you with the best service. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or need help with just about anything that concerns the airport or your trip.

The airport

For operational opening hours, click here External link, opens in new window. write ctrl F and search for ESNN

The airport opens one hour before the departure of domestic flights and two hours before the departure of charter flights.

The airport closes one hour after the last departure of the day. 

Contact, switchboard and customer service.

If you don't know the name of the person you're looking for, our manned switchboard will gladly help you. The switchboard can be reached at 060-658 39 00. It is also possible to contact us via E-mail at info@sdlairport.se and we will promptly help you with any questions. For Handling requests, please e-mail: handling@sdlairport.se


Our switchboard is open weekdays between the hours of 08.00-17.00 (Summertime 15 May - 15 September 08.00-16.30). For acute situations you can reach us 24 at +46 (0)70 522 03 12.

Contacting the Airport

Ingvar Sandquist, Flygsäkerhetskoordinator och räddningstjänstansvarig

Ingvar Sandquist

Operations Manager

Send mail to Ingvar

Björn Widén, Verksamhetschef

Petter Andersson

Safety Manager/Compliance Monotoring Manager

Send mail to Petter

Rolf Witkowsky, Rampchef

Fredrik Lindberg

Sara Jönsson, Marknadsansvarig

Sara Jönsson

Marketing Manager

Send mail to Sara

Petra Schwartz, Miljöansvarig

Petra Schwartz

Environmental Manager

Send mail to Petra

Ola Näslund, El- och fastighetschef

Fredrik Ekman

Utilities &
Property Manager

Send mail to Fredrik

Frank Olofsson, Flygplatschef

Carina Öberg

Alexander Antsis

Security Manager

Send mail to Alexander